Course Description
Post-birth scar tissue is not often discussed; however, both the seen and unseen scars of birth can have significant impacts on pelvic comfort and function, subsequent pregnancies and births, and sexuality.
With increasing rates of cesareans and post-birth trauma, this course provides crucial tools for both care providers and parents to ensure that the effects of a challenging birth do not lead to ongoing complications.
Participants will gain an in-depth understanding of the anatomy and physiology of post-birth scar tissue resulting from difficult births, cesareans, vaginal/labial tears, and episiotomies. The course will address potential complications and provide practical, effective healing solutions with lifelong benefits.
This course is designed for pregnant individuals, those who have given birth, and care providers seeking the knowledge and tools to support their clients' healing journeys.
Course Objectives
- Identify the impacts of post-birth scar tissue from a caesarian on the anatomy and physiology of the pelvis
- Identify the impacts of post-birth scar tissue from vaginal scar tissue on the anatomy and physiology of the pelvis
- Explain the concept of tensegrity in relation to scar tissue and pelvic comfort.
- Identify 3 common complications that post-birth cesarean scar tissue can impact and explain how the scar tissue impacts the complication.
- Identify 3 common complications that post-birth vaginal scar tissue can impact and explain how the scar tissue impacts the complication.
- Name the impacts of post-birth scar tissue on pelvic comfort, pregnancy, birth, and sexuality.
- Demonstrate 3 simple techniques to support healing after Caesarean birth.
- Demonstrate 3 simple techniques to support healing after a vaginal tear or episiotomy.
- Provide a clear recommendation of a post-birth scar healing protocol including commencement after birth, length, and frequency of self-treatment.
- Discuss the benefits of castor oil on post-birth scar tissue healing.
- Address the physiology of unseen scars of post-birth healing.
- Identify 3 ways that challenging births can impact the bony pelvis and name the potential ongoing side effects.